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Catalog Higher Ed World Languages Augenblicke: German through Film, Media, and Texts

Augenblicke: German through Film, Media, and Texts

by Christina Frei, Bridget Levine-West, and Glenn Levine-West

Print Version

Paperback Price: $45.71

ISBN: 978-1-71149-393-0

492 pages


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About the Book

Augenblicke was developed for beginning through intermediate German language and culture instruction, preparing students from the start for eventual coursework at the upper-level in a consistent manner with no interruption or jump between first-year and second-year curricula. The program’s systematic and contextualized language, culture, and grammar progression is structured around six themes essential to the 21st-century learner.

Through the lens of these themes, students explore key issues across topics on national identity, multilingualism, technological advancements, citizenship, environmentalism, history, commemorative culture, and artistic representations as they build their language skills. Each module’s trajectory is structured around select authentic media and literary materials with which students engage and upon which students continually reflect as they deepen their linguistic and cultural knowledge.

Communication in Augenblicke is usage-driven and consistently framed by the four modes of communication (interpretive, interpersonal, presentational and reflective), which helps center students’ attention on the target audience of communicative practices and helps prompt learners to make thoughtful choices regarding their language use.

Lastly, Augenblicke’s process-based grammar and vocabulary progression helps students develop a fine eye and ear for grammatical paradigms while bolstering their communicative and symbolic competencies. These core features of Augenblicke embed language learning within genre-specific, authentic, and culturally relevant contexts and foster students’ language education with the ultimate goal in mind: effective communication.

Augenblicke is an innovative and dynamic curriculum for teaching introductory and intermediate German published by AATG. Based on insights and findings from research in applied linguistics and language pedagogy and intermingled with many best practices for communicative language teaching approaches and techniques, Augenblicke helps learners develop personally meaningful intercultural communicative competence in German through Intermediate Mid to High (ACTFL) or B1 to lower B2 (CERF).

More information on this title can be found here: https://www.aatg.org/page/Augenblicke

About the Author

Augenblicke was developed by Christina Frei, Bridget Levine-West, and Glenn Levine-West, with online materials by Caroline Weist, in partnership with the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG).

Christina Frei is inaugural Executive Director of Language Instruction for the School of Arts & Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania. In addition, she is the director of language instruction for the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures. She also chairs the Penn Language Center, home of many less commonly taught languages and trains the graduate teaching fellows across diverse departments. As Adjunct Associate Professor of Education she offers the Second Language Development Course in the Spring semester at Educational Linguistics in the Graduate School of Education. Her research includes publications on curricular design, collaborative teaching and learning, and digital pedagogy.

Glenn S. Levine-West (Levine) is a Professor of German and German Language Program Director at the University of California, Irvine. He has published widely in applied linguistics and language pedagogy, including on ecological approaches to language teaching and learning, the roles of the first language in second-language learning and teaching, language use and socialization during study abroad, language learning of migrants in Germany, and issues of language program direction.

Bridget Levine-West (Swanson) is an Assistant Professor of German and Film and Television Studies at the University of Vermont, where she also serves as the German language program director. Her current research focuses on the intersection between contemporary film culture, national cinemas, and media literacy educational incentives. In addition, she regularly publishes on second-language teaching, curricular design, and language program direction.