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First-Year Experience and College Success webinars and more!

XanEdu is pleased to present these resources focused on First-Year Experience and College Success programs - why are they important, what makes them successful.

Our FYE resources feature guest experts to talk about specific topics that can be an important part of First-Year Experience programs such as Mental Health, Executive Functioning, Belonging and more.  The resources are applicable to both staff and faculty supporting these important programs.

This webinar series features guest presenters such as Dr. Amy Baldwin, author of OpenStax College Success and College Success Concise, along with other featured subject matter experts.

Spring 2024 FYE Webinar Series

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2024 FYE Trends – Research Report Takeaways

Gain insights on formats, materials and top challenges facing students and program leaders from a recently conducted faculty survey.

Presented April 12th

Customization, OER and AI – Oh My!

Best practices for compiling and customizing content, with examples of collaboration and  demonstration of how to use AI with human editorial oversight can be used.

Presented May 6th

Incorporating Motivation Skills into FYE with Sports Psychology Concepts

Learn about sports psychology concepts to provide insights into the drivers of motivation and how you can help students.

Please note: sorry, this webinar has been cancelled

AI Webinar Series for FYE

AI is a reality for students and instructors, but there are still many open questions - How can this technology enhance learning environments? When is it OK to use? Will it replace faculty? How can it make me more efficient? As first-year students transition to college, there are many open questions around how to harness the potential of this technology.

XanEdu is pleased to present a series of webinars tailored to the first-year transition community and their relationship with AI. Dr. Jean Mandernach, Executive Director for the Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching, will lead a 3-part series diving into AI topics that are top of mind for college success and first-year experience leaders.

This series will explore how to use AI to transform teaching and learning, how to foster student engagement, and introduce strategies to enhance studying through AI.

Interested in seeing firsthand how AI can help you with your FYE course, visit this page to learn more.

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Session 1:

Unleashing the Power of AI: Transforming First-Year Teaching and Learning

Presented April 15, 2024

Session 2:

Teaching with AI: Strategies to Foster First-Year Students’ Learning and Engagement

Presented April 22, 2024

Session 3:

Empowering First-Year Success: Writing and Studying with AI

Presented April 29, 2024

Past FYE webinars on-demand

Video links are found in the descriptions below. Bookmark this page and check back often to see what new webinars are being offered and what new FYE reports / blogs are available. Contact us to discuss your FYE course materials needs.

Speak to an Expert
  • Webinar 1

    First-Year Experience Programming - Best Practices and Current Trends
    Presenters: Dr. Amy Baldwin and Dr. Laurie Hazard

  • Webinar 2

    Mastering Executive Functioning Skills: A Key To Academic Success
    Presenter: Dr. Laurie Hazard

  • Webinar 3

    Practical strategies for fostering belonging in the first-year
    Presenter: Bryce Bunting

  • Special OpenStax Webinar

    Support for Struggling Students
    Presenter: Dr. Amy Baldwin

  • Webinar 4

    Empowering Students to Be Their Best Through Improving Mental Health Literacy
    Presenters: Dr. Amy Baldwin and Jill Landsbaugh Kaar, PhD

Create customized, relevant & affordable course materials that boost engagement and student success.

XanEdu has been working with faculty for over 24 years to quickly develop totally-on-topic course materials that are affordable for your students. We make it easy to customize materials for your FYE course. Our team will guide you through the publishing process to develop a print or digital (or both!) solution perfectly suited for your course.


Articles and other FYE Resources

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From Procrastination to Action: Five Tips to Help Procrastinators Get Moving

AI-assisted custom modules

Custom Content Modules for your FYE Course


All First-Year Students Want to Be Successful: What’s Stopping Them?


Don’t Always Believe What You Think: Dispelling the Myth of Traditional Intelligence and Its Influence on College Success


WEIGH Your Options: Five Tips for Integrating the First-Year Experience on Campus


XanEdu delivers affordable, customizable, and relevant materials that save students money and align with teaching goals


Managing Time & Behavior to Achieve Well-Being and Balance in College: Start with the 8-8-8 Formula


So, you talk to cows? A faculty author's story on creating a custom book with XanEdu

FYE Virtual Workshop Series

Facilitated, one-hour working sessions to guide you through a design-thinking process that aligns with your campus. Registrations now open. Spaces are limited due to workshop format.

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Study Skills

Small steps to incorporate these skills into first-year programming

Presented: Friday, March 1st, 2024

Presentation materials are available upon request. Complete this form to request workshop materials.

Measuring What Matters

Take the first steps beyond course evaluations – identify priorities

Presented: Wednesday, March 6th, 2024

Presentation materials are available upon request. Complete this form to request workshop materials.

Mental Health

Small steps to address a specific component in your program

Presented: Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

Presentation materials are available upon request. Complete this form to request workshop materials.

Learn more about affordable, customizable solutions for First-Year Experience and Student Success


Learn more about custom publishing options to make your First-Year program materials accessible and affordable for students by visiting our FYE Information page, or book a consultation to get in touch!