XanEdu FlexEd Principles of Macroeconomics introduces classic macroeconomic issues such as growth, inflation, unemployment, interest rates, exchange rates, technological progress, and budget deficits in a way that keeps students focused on the material at hand. By the end of the course, students should be able to understand introductory macroeconomic theory, solve basic macroeconomic problems, and use these techniques to think about a number of policy questions relevant to the operation of the real economy.
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Let us help you deliver the perfect course for your students!
Suitable for:
Principles of Macroeconomics courses at 2-year and 4-year Institutions.
Great for:
In-person, online or blended learning.
XanEdu FlexEd knows that the way you teach is unique. That’s why we allow you to take what we’ve built and use it as-is, or modified to fit your syllabus.
Our simple editing process allows you to rearrange, add or remove content, embed videos, links or change quiz questions to better match your course.
Need to collaborate with other instructors? With XanEdu FlexEd you can share your content with colleagues. Life just got a lot easier.
Accessible: Available on the Web, with the iPad app, or as a direct link from your LMS. No downloads, plug-ins or pop-ups necessary.
Onboarding Support: Training videos and access to actual human beings will help you get your course launched smoothly.
Easy to Purchase: Students simply register and buy, and we can work with your bookstore as needed.
Susan Bell, Ph.D.
Professor of Economics
Seminole State College
Susan Bell, Ph.D. is a Professor of Economics at Seminole State College. She has 25+ years experience teaching 4-year and community college students in both in-person and online courses. She has degrees from Duke University, Florida International University and American University.
Topics are introduced with short, engaging videos. Text readings and practice activities provide detail and enable applied learning.
You’ll know how much time your students are spending learning, what material they’re working with, and when they lose engagement, so you can keep them on-track.
All material is loaded and ready-to-go, including video, textbook, discussion boards, in-class presentation, quizzes and practice activities.
XanEdu FlexEd courses are 80+% less expensive than alternatives. No extras needed. Honest.