Adopt today... and teach tomorrow!
Use FlexEd as a complete courseware solution or customize your course: our team will tailor to your syllabus and will set it up for you.
XanEdu FlexEd Introduction to Business contains a wide range of materials and activities that you can use to create your own courseware that matches your syllabus, instructional methods, and modalities. Our easy-to-use platform means that our system adapts to your syllabus, simplifying learning for both you and your students.
FlexEd builds upon the top-quality OpenStax text with activities that focus on real-world business issues, practice assessments with feedback, SME-selected and curated videos, open-ended homework assignments, and more.
Watch this webinar to hear from OpenStax Introduction to Business contributing author Dr. James C. Hyatt from the University of the Cumberlands about his contributions to OpenStax's free, online business textbook. Additionally, XanEdu will share how FlexEd enhances student learning by offering a customizable and affordable courseware solution.
ACTIVITIES: Four per chapter that leverage real-world scenarios for students. These activities include:PRACTICE ASSESSMENTS: Tied to specific learning objectives with instructional feedback allow for assessment as a learning tool rather than simply an evaluation tool. These assessments prepare students for high-stakes exams, serve as a self-evaluation tool, and focus learning on areas where students show deficiency.
VIDEOS: SME-selected and curated videos incorporated into the learning platform means they are more likely to be viewed and more tightly integrated into the content. This also keeps students from searching YouTube on their own.